Jones Hay Company

When Quality Matters! When Quality Matters!

Jones Hay Company


1056 Highway 131

Thorn Hill, Tennessee  37881


We Put The "Pro" in Protein We Put The "Pro" in Protein

Jones Hay Company

1056 Highway 131

Thorn Hill, Tennessee  37881


About Us

David Jones is an East Tennessee farmer, with a lifetime of experience in hay production. He also has a lifetime of knowledgeable experience in feeding and caring for horses and beef cattle. David understands the health Issues that can occur if animals are not properly fed the correct balanced forage and ration intake. This is why he always has Forage and Ration testing done through the University of Tennessee or Dairy One, as this is very critical to the health, production and well being of the animal. David conducts soil testing each year so he knows the appropriate amount of fertilizer and lime analysis to use. He spring cuts hay each May and early June, at the peak of quality, with the second cutting in August. David does not tolerate, mold, weeds, sage grass or johnson grass. His hay is weed free with very little moisture as the testing states. David takes a lot of pride in his products and this is why it comes with a Quality Customer Satisfaction, Money Back Guarantee. Jones Hay Company grows timothy, fescue and orchard grass mix, with custom cut square baling and round baling made to order. David uses New Holland and John Deere balers to make tightly packaged bales and processes approximately 200 acres each year and sell hay year round. During the spring when the hay crop is plentiful, some hay is round baled and immediately transferred from the field to barns to be stored in the dry. Round bales are available for purchase and some round bales will be reprocessed to square bales as customer demand dictates.


Jones Hay Company uses New Holland and John Deere equipment in the processing of their hay. A large New Holland baler produces consistent bales, and a hay processor allows hay from round bales to be reprocessed into square bales. Large John Deere tractors are used to operate hay equipment.

During the spring when the hay crop is plentiful, some hay is round baled and immediately transferred from the field to barns to be stored in the dry. Round bales are available for purchase and some round bales will be reprocessed to square bales as customer demand dictates.

Jones Hay Company

David Jones - owner

1056 Highway 131

Thorn Hill, Tennessee  37881

423 754-3681 (cell)

Open daily except Sunday


Copyright Jones Hay Company - All rights reserved